How can I reuse or recycle old vinyl 45s?

vinyl_record.jpgWe’ve had an email from Scott Jones:

I have a bunch of old 45’s that are worthless and I feel awful just throwing them out. Any suggestions?

In my younger days, I worked at my local hospital radio and remember feeling the same way when they planned to dump a load of old records – both 7″ singles and full albums. I scavenged the ones that weren’t in good enough condition to charity shop and decorated storage boxes with them at home, particularly boxes to hold my own CD collection just for the juxtaposition of the usurped technology alongside the newer one.

I’ve also seen 45s turned into clocks – with the hands etc sticking through the hole in the middle – and ashtrays. If Scott doesn’t feel up to doing that type of thing, perhaps someone on his local Freecycle group might.

Has anyone got any other suggestions for reuses or for recycling them?

(Photo by andybahn)

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39 Responses to “How can I reuse or recycle old vinyl 45s?”

  1. A.Vieira says:


    many designers use old LPs to make objects for the house. Check the website for an example.

  2. A.Vieira says:


    many designers use old LPs to make objects for the house. Check the website for an example.

  3. Trish says:

    if they’re in good condition, frame them and make some art.

    some people collect them.

  4. The G says:

    Why are they worthless? Plenty of people still listen to vinyl- give them to a charity shop for someone else to enjoy. Re-use beats recycling.

  5. Kieran says:

    Why not just give them to me? I’ll give them some TLC and play them out again…

    email me at

    In fact if anybody has records then pass them my way.

  6. T says:

    turn them into purses by hotglue-ing them to fabric. they’re gorgeous :]

  7. Rowena says:

    You could post them on Freecycle which is at

  8. Fishcake says:

    could you make an unsual garden windchime type thing from them??? or layer them on the side of a shed for an unusual feature?
    could you use them as a funky placemats or small ones as coasters?

  9. Nick says:

    This website shows how to take old records and make them into bowls. Pretty neat in my opinion.

  10. Nicole says:

    The reason to recycle some vinyl LPs is that they are scratched beyond playing.

    Supposedly they are exploring recycling vinyl in Europeand Japan. How about some good old Amerian ingenuity?!

  11. Bumpy says:

    You should cross-reference the record on eBay before destroying it — could be worth something. You could also donate it to your local Goodwill or Salvation Army. Many record collectors out there.

  12. Alexis says:

    You can make bowls by heating the oven to 130’Celcius and put them in over top of an upturned bowl for 5 minutes till they’re soft then bend them how you want.

  13. Renee says:

    Make them into art!

    I painted an old REO Speedwagon LP. It seemed to serve better as a canvas than good music.

  14. Bexy says:

    Book ends?

  15. mario says:

    when i took shop in school-there was a machine that used flat round lucite-i would press down a handle-it would shape the lucite into a corrugated dish-flat bottom and about a 2 inch uniform corrugated side all around. i used it with records-what a nice dish-where can i get this machine-i am 54 and need a hobby. Please email w/subject vinyl dishes. THANKS

  16. sambo says:

    I make clocks. the hole in the middle is perfect, decorate wih almost anything. Clock works can be purchased and install easy. Quickly you have a one of a kind clock.

  17. John Pring says:

    I’ve started a MEDIA RECYCLING PROJECT in Oxfordshire because I’ve got quite a few LPs & singles which nobody wants and I don’t want to put them into the Landfill or PAY to have them recycled – so if you live in or around Oxfordshire… drop me an e-mail! OR we can collect if you’ve got enough tapes (Within a reasonable distance or course!)

    We are collecting all types of “Media” – Video & Audio tapes, Computer disks, Floppy disks, cds, dvds, reel to reel, 8mm, records, etc. to be recycled. We erase the tapes (Degauss), strip them down to separate the different types of plastics, shred them then sell the plastic to companies to make new items!

    Any profit we make we will be giving back to the community

    John Pring
    Media Recycling Project

    • Andrew says:


      Im looking to get rid of some vinyl records and audio cassettes, i live in nuneaton but am willing to post the items to you at my expense.

      • Philippa Wynn says:

        Hi Andy, we collect old vinyl records as they sound so much more ‘real’ than cds – if you still have any, please get in touch!

        In fact, anyone who is getting rid of records, please email us at the below address.

        Many thanks.

  18. Kelly says:

    Hi there, I’m looking to recycle vinyls as favours for our wedding. I need between 80-100. If anyone’s got any vinyls that they would like to donate please feel free to get in touch. Ive got loads of ideas for them.
    Cheers Kell

  19. Uluska says:

    Can turn it into Solar system by painting the sun and planets.

  20. Uluska says:

    1.Glue pretty picture, fabric, wallpaper or collage onto old disk and exhibit it in a plate holder on a table or on a wall.

  21. Uluska says:

    Create room divider or screen, or porch window cover by attaching the records to each other.

  22. Uluska says:

    Cut out different shapes out of them to use during quilting to mark pieces of fabric.

  23. Uluska says:

    Remove paper, spray paint the disk, now spray paint through the lace. Create interesting display on a wall using several disks.

  24. Uluska says:

    Old records can be helpful when making round boxes. Two disks will make the bottom and the lid.

  25. Uluska says:

    Cut the record in half and use to make shelves for dainty items.

  26. Uluska says:

    Drill two or four halls and use as giant button, can even sew it on something.

  27. Olia says:

    Plant a flower seed in a pot, cover the soil with old record making sure the seed is under the hall. It makes for instant mulch, only make several halls in a record beforehand, so water and air can get to the roots.

  28. Olia says:

    Decorate old records so they look like Christmas ornaments or decorations, wreaths, garlands, snowman, etc.

  29. Olia says:

    Use them to draw circles, to cut circular pieces of fabric, wood, etc.

  30. Olia says:

    Glue the old records, many of them, over the wall using remount-able glue. Then paint the wall and remove records. You will get nicely decorated, modern looking wall.

  31. Olia says:

    The records of smaller size, sturdy ones, can be used to make a clay and dough cutting tool. Attach several or more records on a metal stick, making sure distance between them is equal, secure handles on the sides. Now you can quickly an precisely cut ribbons, squares, rectangles, triangles out of clay or the dough.

  32. Olia says:

    Cut in half , decorate and use as fan.

  33. Olia says:

    Use them as shingles on a dog house, chicken coop, animal burn, etc.

  34. stacey says:

    I have a box of old LP’s and 45’s. I don’t have the time to recycle them (although am loving the flower pot idea) into anything but if anyone here would like them, they are all yours. Collection Horley, Surrey

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