How can I reuse or recycle old clock parts?

We’ve had an email from David:

I need to know how to recycle the inner brass parts of grandfather clock that no longer work?

Brass, like nearly all metals, is in high demand in the recycling world and so if there is a good weight of it, most local scrap metal dealers would willingly take it off your hands – some might even pay a little for it. We have random-but-frequent scrap collections around here (some more legitimate than others…) and there are usually metal bins at local tips.

I’d imagine the workings would also be highly desirable to other people who want to reuse rather than recycle them – someone might be able to make them work in another clock or, probably more likely, use them to make artwork. Offer them on your local Freecycle/Freegle group – or put them on eBay if you think they might be worth a few quid (if they’re heavy, you could say pick-up only if you didn’t want to organise shipping).

Any other suggestions? Any particular practical or creative ideas for things that could be done with them?

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8 Responses to “How can I reuse or recycle old clock parts?”

  1. glitterpixie says:

    Anyone making steampunk jewellery, artwork or something would be super grateful to have these, very popular at the mo. x

  2. Susan says:

    Check out There are some really cool crafts made from the innards of watches; machines; computers; etc. Good luck. I’m going to learn how to weld and solder so that I can upcycle my old watches, etc.

  3. chicgeek says:

    I would dance with glee if someone gave me old watch or clock parts. I do love the steampunk look…they sell watch bits at the Manto Fev website, for a pretty penny. List them on ebay, or freecycle. They won’t last long. Or…I wonder if a clock/watch repair shop would want them?

  4. Valerie says:

    When I was at school (soooo long ago!!) we used to have a ‘bit box’. It was full of things to use for craft lessons – empty tubs and plastic bottles, egg cartons, etc. Anything non sharp would be ideal for a young child to use when messing around with glue and paint.
    Otherwise Freecycle’s great. However unlikely it is, someone always wants it.

  5. Olia says:

    Flat and thin parts can be used for scrap-booking. Case can be turned into a locket or photo frame.

  6. Angelina says:

    The elementary school child or even teenager can have fun with them, dismantling and placing parts back together.

  7. Aharon says:

    You need only good hands and imagination.
    Take a look at my facebook page:

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