Archive for the "hobbies" category

How can I reuse or recycle bits of an old tent?

TentWe’ve had an email from Stephanie:

Glastonbury killed my tent! The zip is busted, torn away from the door flap, there is a rip in the ground sheet and everything is encrusted with mud!

But aside from the mud, everything else is ok. I’d love to reuse the sticks and fabric if possible but I don’t know what they can be used for.

I’d be tempted to keep it (or offer it on Freecycle) for spares and repairs of other tents – or making a kite from the cloth.

Any other suggestions though?

(Photo by pixelstar)

How can I reuse or recycle disposable lighters?

LighterSo we’ve covered cigarette packets and ashtrays but what about the related flame devices?

I realise the most obvious answer to this – like with disposable razors – is don’t use them – use a refillable one instead. But, for one reason or another, a lot of people can’t/won’t do that so end using disposable ones.

So what can be done with them?

Assuming it can be separated from the metal mechanism, can the plastic be recycled? Anyone know what number it is or does it vary?

And what about the mechanism itself – any reuses for that? Or the lighter as a whole?

(Photo by pulp-o)

How can I reuse or recycle old ashtrays?

AshtraysWe’ve had an email from Michelle Grogan:

With the upcoming smoking ban in public places* almost on our doorstep, I was wondering if anyone might know anything about recycling ashtrays and if this can be done in a way to raise money for charity?

I suspect some will be yoinked by members of staff or regulars for use in their own homes but does anyone know about any recycling schemes for Michelle?

Or any fun reuses if anyone manages to snag a handful or more from their local?

(* From 1st July, smoking will be banned in all enclosed public spaces – including pubs, restaurants, private clubs and places of work – in England bringing the country in line with similar bans already in place in Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland.)

(Photo by levi_sz)

How can I reuse or recycle snowboard bindings?

Snowboard bindingsWe’ve had an email from Timothy asking “how can i reuse or recycle old snowboard bindings?“.

As my knowledge of snowboarding on extends as far as playing ‘SSX’ on the XBox, my first question was “what are snowboard bindings?”. Wikipedia informs me they are the bits that hold the snowboarder’s feet to the board and can either be as simple as straps or complex moulded hard plastic things. (Someone please correct me if I’ve read/written that wrong.)

So any suggestions?

(Photo by aculine)

How can I reuse or recycle cigarette packets?

cigarette_box250.jpgA couple of our friends smoke and while they usually roll their own, occasionally a cardboard hard pack ends up floating about too and it makes me wonder what they can be re-used for – since they’re pretty sturdy but light constructions.

Spies in films use them for hiding bugs or recording equipment in, but what about us lesser, real-life mortals?

Any suggestions?

(Photo by logic)