Archive for the "medical" category

How can I reuse or recycle dental floss?

dental flossOn our How can I reuse or recycle dental floss packaging? post, Tina asked:

how do you recycle floss?

This may be one of those things that some people will “urrgh” at but it’s only nylon thread really. While I wouldn’t use it for, say, sterile suturing of a wound, I’m sure it would be fine for plenty of tasks after washing off any chunky bits. I can’t think of anything specific right now (my brain is still asleep) but I guess … whatever you’d tie up with a length of nylon thread for.

Anyone got more specific suggestions? Or any creative ideas?

(Photo by carlohh)

How can I reuse or recycle an orthopaedic corset?

CorsetWe’ve had another email from Maja:

Due to my spine illness, I have to wear an orthopaedic corset (looks exactly like this one apart from the pattern,because mine are black with colorful polka dots).

Each year I have to get a new one, because the whole body is developing and they are getting too small. I can’t donate them because each one is customized to the user. How can I recycle it?

For actually recycling it, I’d ask the manufacturer if they have any recycling schemes in place – they might be able to recycle the plastic with off-cuts from during manufacturing, or something.

But as for reuses…? The shape makes me think of a dress form (a dress makers’ dummy) but it obviously only covers a small part of the body so won’t be useful for that much – attached to a stand I guess it could be useful for skirts and the like, and, of course, it would be perfect for belly chains and belts (although admittedly they don’t really need that much modelling ;) )

Any other suggestions?

How can I reuse or recycle old orthopedic casts?

Plaster castWe’ve had an email from Lauren, who is year 8 (age 12) in New Zealand.

She explains:

In class we are currently working on science projects. I have chosen to investigate the difference between plaster and fibreglass casts. My project looks at environmental issues and disposals.

Could you please help me with the following questions? Can plaster and fibreglass casts be recycled? What type of product could these be made into?

I meant to feature casts on the site a few months ago when Estelle asked about her plaster feet models but then forgot.

As I mentioned when talking about fibreglass in general in May, it seems that it can be recycled but I couldn’t find any details of schemes or companies doing it.

And apparently plaster can be recycled almost indefinitely – although most places are thinking of it in terms of plasterboard, not orthopedic casts so getting an individual leg pot back into the plaster system might be easier said than done. (Having said that, this page gives instructions on how to reclaim the plaster in casts for kids to reuse making models.)

Anyone know of any schemes to recycle either fibreglass or plaster ones, either through hospitals or for individuals?

Or other reuses for the old casts?

(Photo of a cast removal by central)

How can I reuse or recycle plaster casts of feet?

Plaster casts of feetWe’ve had a bit of an unusual suggestion from Estelle:

I once had these models made of my feet. They used them to generate orthotics for my flat feet. Now I have these cumbersome, heavy plaster-of-paris models sitting around at home… What can one do with them?

I don’t know how heavy they are but maybe paint them for funky bookends or doorstops?

Any other suggestions?

How can I reuse or recycle … asthma inhalers?

InhalerWe’ve had another email from Am (who comments as Delusion), this time saying:

My partner is asthmatic and so goes through inhalers. It seems a waste to throw them out, I don’t think there is much to be done with reusing them though I may be wrong.

Does anyone know of anywhere these could be returned for reuse? Even if it is only the plastic outer casing?

My first thought would be to ask the chemist to not include the plastic part with each refill – but if they get the complete inhaler from the pharmaceutical company already packaged up, they probably would end up just throwing them out from the shop. Does anyone know what the situation is with this?

And what about suggestions for reuse? Or recycling the individual bits?

(Photo by Jenny Rollo)