Green Halloween: How can I reuse or recycle Halloween decorations?
Continuing in our Green Halloween series…
Along with masks and costumes, the shops are full of Halloween decorations at the moment too. Plastic skulls & skeletons, plastic pumpkins, plastic spiders & bats, plastic ghosts & ghouls … lots of plastic.
As with the masks, it’s far greener (and more fun!) to make decorations from scratch rather than relying on stuff that’s mass produced on the other side of the world. There are loads of make your own Halloween decorations how-tos out there (for example, these ten different ideas…). But still, lots of people turn to shop bought stuff.
Any suggestions for ways to reuse or recycle these bits and bobs? Plastic pumpkin/cauldron plant pots?
Or how to repurpose/upcycle things to use them all year around – as decorations or for other purposes?
One idea I saw was using skull ice cube trays as soap moulds – while they intend the finished article to be a Halloween party favour/trick or treat gift, why restrict the fun to just this event? I say fun skull soaps all year around!
Another idea for a bigger, harder plastic skull – drill/poke pencil size holes around the cranium and use it as a fun pen/pencil pot – like Pinhead from the Hellraiser films, but with brightly coloured felt tips.
Anyone using Halloween decorations or party favours to make spooky costume jewellery?
Any other ideas?