A suggestion from JH753 (I’m guessing that’s not their real name, unless they’re a car number plate : ) ):
When the kids were growing up, they used to play tennis all summer and got through a fair number of tennis rackets. Most of the time we just replaced them when a string got busted or they got a better racket as a birthday present when they decided they wanted to make a bit of an investment in their hobby.
I didn’t want to throw them out because it seemed wasteful but I didn’t bother getting them fixed either or giving them away because I was ‘too busy’ so they just stacked up in the garage.
What can I do with them? Most of them were quite cheap to start with so now a good few years old aren’t worth selling on or getting restringed.
So has anyone got any suggestions? I guess my first thought would be giving away the ones that are still in alright condition to a charity shop but what about ones with broken strings?
(Photo by q83