Recycling for Charity: old and unwanted books

This page lists charities and other organisations collecting old and unwanted books.

If any details are incorrect or you know of any other groups collecting them, please leave a comment below and I’ll update the listings.

Who Why Country Contact details
READ International

The charity collects old textbooks from schools via its 45 Book Projects across the UK and sends them out to East Africa. Books not suitable for sending will either be sold to raise money or recycled – no books go to landfill.




Community H.E.A.R.T.

The campaign’s aim is to set up school libraries in South Africa so children will have access to books they enjoy reading: story books, novels, information books, the sort of book you would give a child or young person for their birthday or their Christmas.

They ask for 10p with each book too, to help with shipping costs.




Read their guidelines to see the type of books they’re collecting

British Heart Foundation

The BHF have specialist music and book stores throughout the country, which can make the most of specialist or obscure books.



Or take donations directly to the shops in Brighton, Harrogate, Chelthenham, Clifton, Reading or Streatham


323 Responses to “Recycling for Charity: old and unwanted books”

  1. Vanessa Barry says:

    Hi there, I am sorting out my school Library and need to recycle old fiction books that are really old but still in good condition. If you are interested pls email me. Hilillingdon area.

  2. Justine Rose says:

    If you live in East London Stratford train Station has a book swap. The shelves are located in the main tunnel, near the stairs to Platform 5 and next to the Kiosk. Any kind of books gratefully received, especially those in languages other than English. You can leave 1 book, or lots of books, on your way through the station.
    East Village (former Olympic Athletes Village) E20 has a Little Free Library. This is located in Victory Park on the side closest to Westfield.

  3. Francisca Bonnah says:

    I am a Ghanaian living in Kumasi. I am looking for Old books, second hand clothing for charity.
    Please, assist me.

  4. nanaz says:

    I have some science snd medical uni books as well as school reading books and gen er ral knowledge based on London nw

  5. Fatima says:

    I would like to have french books for my community in Africa ifyou have any.

  6. Linda Wenzel says:

    We need children’s ballet books for our literacy and ballet project in Gambia, West Africa.

  7. Rosemary Pollock says:

    I have a great many second hand books. Donated for a village library, at least 100 are bow unwanted. Many (though not all) are still in reasonable condition.

    (email me at

  8. You are going to need to click the link in that e mail ahead of you can post stuff on Knoji.

  9. Anonymous says:

    I work in a boys grammar school in Gloucestershire and we have GCSE/A level maths and history text books that we no longer require.
    Would anyone be interested in having them, for free? They would have to be collected as there are lots of them!

  10. Rachel McGarrigal says:

    Hi – I am helping my mum give away a huge collection of books that she has collected over the years. Many of them are leather bound sets of novels by authors such as DH Lawrence, Somerset Maughan, Dickens, etc. Are these of interest to anyone?

    Please let me know. Also – I would rather not pay a huge amount to ship/dispatch anywhere if possible.

    Kind regards


    • Linda says:

      Dear Rachel

      I do lots of work with various charities and community group so would
      be interested.
      I’m based in London and could collect if you are in the London area.

      Whereabours are you based?




      • Wendy Shirlow says:

        Hello Linda

        l’ve got around 50-90 various fictional books purchased from Waterstones all in pretty good condition. l am based in Belfast please let me know if you would have any interest as l would be happy to donate these to your reading group.

        regards Wendy

      • Anonymous says:

        I,too, have lots of unwanted books after a de-cluttering exercise. ( novels, science, photography etc. ! ) I live in Lewisham and could deliver to London area. Interested?
        Email address :


      • Meike Perkins says:

        Hi Linda

        I just saw your post and was hoping you might be interested in more books. I run a school library in North London and we are having a clear out. There are some rather old but good condition fiction books to go. Further we are having a clear-out of textbooks no longer needed due to curriculum changes. These can vary in numbers per title. Would you be interested in having them and could you collect as we do not have the money to pay for collection. We are in Mill Hill.

        Kind regards

      • Sue says:

        Hi Linda

        I have 16 large Aldi bags full of books of all kinds, many in superb condition. I have twice booked with charity shops to collect them, but they have not come to pick them up. I have no access to a car, also cannot carry heavy things. If interested and you could collect you would be welcome to them. I live in SE London.

  11. Teresa Collingwood says:

    I am an EFL teacher who wants to donate second hand text books both old and current. Suitable for adults or teenagers. Only one ot two copies of each book available, so not enough for classroom teaching. Please contact me by email. I live in Harrow, NW London.

    • Neka says:

      Hi Teresa, do you still have the books? I would be interested in collecting them to send to west Africa.

      Look forward to your response.


      • Billy says:

        Hello, I have a number of information books.
        I live in Wolverhampton, West Midlands.
        I would be happy to donate them all for Africa.
        Please let me know if you are interested.

      • Lee says:

        Hi there,

        I work in a school in South-east London. We have literally hundreds of old txt books from various subjects that we would like to donate. Would you be able to help with this?



  12. Jane Ace says:

    Petersfield Youth Theatre (reg. charity no1069673) are putting on a production of ‘Candide’ in mid September 2016. The set is based around Voltaire’s study, and we are looking for literally thousands of hard back books that would otherwise be trashed or recycled. Can anyone help? We can collect in Hampshire, West sussex, Surrey area.

  13. claire says:

    We have some science text books free to however can collect

  14. Neka says:

    Hi Teresa, do you still have the books? I would be interested in collecting them to send to west Africa.

    Look forward to your response.


    • Sarah Phillips says:

      Hi Neka

      Like Teresa, I am an ELT author – in may case I write books for primary aged children. I have quite a few text books that I would like to donate as well as some non-fiction books. Would they be useful to you?

      Really hope so!


    • Sarah Phillips says:

      And I meant to say that I would be happy to help with the transport costs.


      • Golda says:

        Hello Sarah, please I would be interested in any of the books for primary age if you still have any you would like to donate. Thank you

  15. barbara says:

    I have 2 Air Conditioning Training Manuals, would anyone be interested?:
    Too good to just throw away, have tried on ebay but no luck, they have no isbn numbers so a lot of book websites are not interested.
    I have photos if anyone is interested.

  16. Mrs Maurin says:

    I have a selection of novels (modern fiction) to give away. They are mostly paperbacks. Any ideas how I can get them to a useful place?

  17. Paula Spalding says:

    We have old library books, covering a range of subjects, including fiction, factual books; old careers books also.

  18. devices says:

    Greetings to you, Ken and Michelle, from Stamford CT, checking in, you’re invited for a moment, to reflect upon the issue of interior design coordinates for your own home. It is the likely the central feature to your domestic life. In late May of 2016, together we both stumbled upon this article and we’re OK to recommend it to you, for house decor ideas.

  19. PS any books on phonics and remedial English and maths (emphasis on remedial) also very very welcome

  20. Caron Brown says:

    have class size quantities of various Science text books that we no longer use – KS3 and KS4. If anyone can collect and make use of them please let me know.

  21. Dr. Olu Ajayi says:

    Hello, our organisation Maddison Pine, is supporting Fr. Alex You Memorial School in Uganda and we are looking for school books for primary and secondary education.

    The school is dedicated to providing quality nursery, primary, and secondary education and holistic community development for poor communities in Mubende district (Central Uganda).

    I am happy to arrange the collection of the books.

    Thank you very much and may God bless you.

    With regards and gratitude,


    • Caron Brown says:

      Hi Olu
      We are based up in Leeds (West Yorkshire) – would it still be possible for you to collect?
      If so, please contact me directly ( and I can give you details and quantities of available books.
      Caron Brown

    • Jr says:

      I have a lot of books available if you are still looking

      Many thanks

  22. Andrew Tabona says:

    Having a clear out of older GCSE science and maths textbooks (maybe other subjects too), will be several boxes full. Will be available for collection from central Swindon if anyone would like! Andrew (

  23. rani says:

    I need y and y 3 primary books ,if any have plzz

  24. Carol says:

    I have old GCSE and A level books if anyone wants them for Africa or any other location.
    I live in Northolt mx

  25. Golda says:

    Hello friends,
    I’m setting up a community library in Nigeria for children in primary and secondary school in order to promote a reading culture. I am able to pick up children’s reading books and text books from the London area. Would be grateful for any books we can get. Thank you.

  26. benjamin feldshuh says:

    Do you come with a truck and boxes to take the books I am wanting to give to your charity? I would need you to come to my office and take a box or two and fill it with books for your charity.

  27. margaret says:

    I have a complete set of Encyclopaedia Britannica for 1974. 30 volumes 10 micropaedia volumes for quick reference, 19 detailed articles on specialist subjects an index and guide system. Most of the information is still useful even slightly out of date political articles which provide an excellent background for current political affairs. Could be useful in any large institution where everyone has a long time waiting or for decoration in a pub, hotel or for a drama scene.
    I have no car and would hope someone could collect. I live in the Southampton area. I expect to give these books away and hope they could be used by anyone in need.

  28. Hi all ! I’m collecting French books for an orphanage in Kpalime ( Togo, Africa ) for children from 3y to 16y …do you have something ? I can give you the adress to send them, let me know

  29. Paola says:

    I have lots of Italian books to donate, including dictionaries. I am based in London, Kensington.

  30. Ali R Mehrjoy says:

    Dear friends,
    I am looking for some French books from basic to Advanced level to donate a library. They could be exchanged by books from the other languages such as English, Persian! If anyone interested to help us, I warmly welcome and I do appreciate any guide that you could give us. Many thanks in advance!

  31. Christine Goodfellow says:

    Hi, I have a few boxes of French books for children, fiction and non-fiction to donate. Anyone interested?

  32. Marilyn says:

    Hi I have got Encyclopaedia Brittanica books that I would like to give away to anyone who could make use of them. There are a lot with additional ones as well. I live near Romsey in Hampshire and would be interested to hear from anyone who would like them. Marilyn

  33. Marion Hefferon says:

    Have some primary school books – mainly Maths . Iā€™m a retired teacher and have no need of these books. Can I donate them to your organization?

  34. Anna says:

    Hi, I am looking for a good home for a wide range of books, collected over the years by a good friend of mine who died last week. Her 300+ collection includes popular and crime fiction, literary fiction, Penguin Classics, poetry, Art books and reference encylopedias (including a multi-volume encylopedia covering business and management). I would love for them to be of use to someone. Any takers for any of these? They are available for collection from east London.

  35. Monika Wadas says:

    Hi , We have Science text book to donate each subject around 200+ books. The books are Secondary books also some A level.
    Can we donate them to your organization?
    We are base in Cheshire UK ( Northwich )


  36. Imran Kapasi says:

    Hello, I have many educational books from GCSE and A level mainly Biology Chemistry and Physics for UK examination boards.

    I would to donate these booked to a good charitable cause where they may find it useful. As UK syllabus has changed recently, I imagine best used abroad.

    Would be great if someone knows a place where I can donate these please.

    Thanks in advance!

  37. Sara Ferracane says:


    I have lots (circa 400) French and Spanish text book/work books that we do not use or have never used.

    We would like to donate these to helping students learn languages across the world! Pleae could you forwrd me any information I may need to get these donated.

  38. Lutwama Joel says:

    Hello, I am Joel, I am looking for English reading books to equip our village-community library in Uganda. If there is any one out there to help. I am so grateful.

  39. Nicolas Michaelides says:

    I have a lot of French books that I’m looking to re-home. Is there anyone /anywhere in London willing to receive them?

  40. Stacey Palastrand says:

    What should I do with old Medical school text books. Circa 1994-2000

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