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Do you have something to reuse or recycle but you just don’t know what to do with it? AND we haven’t had the decency to feature said thing on “How can I recycle this?” yet? Gosh, we’re terrible, aren’t we?
You can either leave a message in the comments section below or send us an email if you have any ideas. You can include a picture too if you’ve got one to hand. We’ll give you a thank you nod when we make the post and you’ll, hopefully, get lots of ideas about what to do with your item.
Email us at:
If you want to make something reusing or recycling things (for example, how to make a piggy bank, or a shopping bag, or jewellery), or repair something, or reduce your use of something, we’d also love to hear from you. Again,
Email us at:
Or have you reused or recycled something in an interesting, clever or creative way and want to show it off, but can’t wait until we get around to featuring that item? Just tell us what you did and send a photo if you can, and we’ll feature it on the site when we can.
Email your ideas to:
I have a 20 volume Oxford English Dictionary…any suggestions of to whom I can donate it?
Hi I work as volunteer in Cancer Research we have lots of inkjets and we send them to Recycle4 Charity 01273400185 to raise money if this helps anyone.
We generate loads of Plywood sawdust every week, up to 0.5T. Anybody out there who would like to take it from us on a regular basis? We would want someone to take it all, a responsible company
Hi we have just helped close down a shop, they have approx. 22 boxes of out of date condoms each box containing 7500 condoms in stripes of three.
They are based in the chesterfield/Sheffield area free to anyone that can use them i.e. schools etc
Please email me if your interested
IR Waste Management Ltd
This is what I do. Getting tired of hearing people(adults)complain about paper straws. Whoever I’m with I collect the plastic straws and wrap in a paper napkin, bring home, place in a plastic bottle for recycling. Ergo, no bits of plastic in our fish. However are plastic bottles being properly recycled.
I am collecting crisp packets and also the packaging from multi pack crisps I will then send these to a recycling centre and the funds will help with a new life saving air ambulance
All packets can be sent directly to myself
Alison Howley
2 Bank Street
G72 7PP
photographic slides