How can I make a doorstop reusing and recycling things?
We’ve recently had some shelves fitted in an alcove – only to realise afterwards that a door handle will bang into the central upright. (We’d already done lots of tweaking to make it accommodate the door, just apparently not that bit!) To save damaging the upright, we’ve dropped our cute doggie front door doorstop into the gap to act as a buffer but that’s needed at the front door so I need another one.
I love the idea of fabric and rice filled cute doorstops like SwirlyArt Lyndsey’s Cheeky Chickens – but I wondered if anyone else had any other suggestions – particularly water-proof suggestions since between the cats, the dog and our clumsiness, it will surely end up drenched in some liquid or another! (sorry for the ugh!)
Coming at the door from the other side, has anyone got any fun ideas for a wedge – more interesting than just the usual triangle of wood?