How can I reuse or recycle tinsel and Christmas decorations?
Christmas and all that seems a distant memory now but we’ve had an email from Alison, saying:
We took our decorations down last week and some of the long chains broke. They’re the shiny foil type – can they be recycled?
Now I’m not sure whether they’re actually made from foil – I suspect it is more likely to be plastic but I’m not sure. Anyone know?
If they are made from plastic or are even just part plastic, I doubt you’ll be able to recycle them with your normal foil/cans/metals recycling so any reuse suggestions?
When I was a kid and our decorations used to get too scratty to use in the living room etc, I used to snag them to use in my bedroom instead so maybe keep them for kids to use next year – or shorter lengths could also be used to decorate a cubicle or the like at work.
You could also take advantage of the fact they’re light and for want of a better word, fluffy, and use them for protective packaging when sending items through the post or around presents in gift boxes.
Any other suggestions?
(Photo by bugdog)