Posts tagged "mug"

How can I reuse or recycle … mugs with broken handles?

broken_mug.jpgAs I mentioned before when talking about broken crockery in general, we have a very hard, very cold stone floor in the kitchen. Things tend to smash, or at least break, when we drop them.

In addition to that general broken crockery thing, I thought broken mugs, particularly handle-less mugs, deserved their own post. We’ve got a small collection under the sink, holding random bits and bobs (fuses, screws, bits of chain) that really should be sorted out and put where they belong because we’ll never remember to look there when we need them.

So what else can we do with our stash? We’ve got the handles for two of them but they can’t be glued back on and used for drinks again for safety reasons – and all the mugs are just a bit too small to use for planters (well, for the houseplants we’ve got at the moment at least). Any other ideas?