Posts tagged "paper"

How can I reuse or recycle … take-away menus?

If you draw Venn diagram-esque circles around concentrations of take-away/delivery places in Leeds, we live where three of the circles would overlap. We get thousands of menus through the door and despite being pizza fiends, we only ever even glance at a select few of them – the rest go straight in the recycling bin.

We can’t compost the menus as they tend to be glossy, colour-prints but we prefer to use stuff around the home where possible before just sending it off to be recycled.

Any suggestions?

How can I reuse or recycle breakfast cereal boxes?

Cereal boxesJohn and I are breakfast cereal-fanatics at the moment and are munching our way through box after box of pre-sweetened, chocolate-flavour flavoured puffed nonsense (me) and dull, wholewheat goodness (him).

Most of our favourite cereals come in plastic bags within glossy-printed cardboard boxes so we’re left with a lot of rubbish at the end of each pack.

When I was small, cereal boxes were regularly harvested for their card but I don’t do as much cutting and sticking for fun now – and when I do need some non-corrugated card, cat food boxes tend to be sturdier (if slightly smelling of fish and ash).

As with most paper products, they will compost down but some people worry about the full colour printed designs – some inks are toxic and will leech chemicals into the compost.

Any reusing or recycling for the card sides or the boxes as a whole?

Best Suggestions

  • Reduce: Reduce the amount of boxes you generate by minimising cereal waste – reseal the bag & box every time you use it, or transfer the contents to an airtight container from the get-go.
  • Reuse – practical: Cut off the top and one corner to make files for magazines/paperwork.
  • Reuse – crafts: Use the card for stencils or making fun business cards/postcards (some printers allow you to print onto card, or you can get postcard-template rubber stamps and custom stamps for your details).
  • Recycle: Many councils accept thin card as part of their kerbside recycling or at community waste recycling facilities.
  • See the comments below for more suggestions and ideas

(Photo by simbncn)

How can I reuse or recycle old stamps?

An old postage stampMy mum and dad came to visit us yesterday and given my dad’s philatelic obsession, we heard a lot about stamps. A LOT ABOUT STAMPS.

My dad specialises in old King Edward VII stamps from around the Commonwealth (or something) but it got me thinking about regular, boring, not-very-collectable postage stamps.

In the past, I’ve heard of various charities that collect them to raise money – particularly stamps from overseas – but don’t know any details. Anyone know of any in particular?

And aside from that, any other ideas about things to do with them?

(Photo by adamci)

How can I reuse or recycle tetrapak?

I’ve caught wind recently about a company that recycles tetrapak. Since the stuff is getting everywhere, even where it’s not needed, these days, it’s nice to see that someone is recycling it on a large scale.

But what about reuses around the home and garden before sending it off for recycling?

Any suggestions?

How can I reuse or recycle phone books & Yellow Pages?

Old phone bookNow that the lovely internet is here for our every need, I can’t remember the last time I used a phone book. But still, every year or so we get phone books, Yellow Pages, Thompson directories…

They sit on our shelf for a little while, gathering dust and taking up space, then, during one of his many ill-timed cleaning frenzies, John will suddenly want to get rid of them and won’t rest until they’re out of the house or at least relocated to somewhere not in his frenzy path.

So any ideas on how we could reuse or recycle them? What do you do with them?

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