How can I reuse or recycle shot glasses?
We’ve had an email from Clare which is a kinda reverse this thing and a kinda ‘how can I recycle?’ thing:
My boyfriend has a huge collection of shot glasses in various shapes and sizes (he’s not a great drinker, so I don’t know where they came from!) I thought some of them would make great spice jars — but I need some lids for them.
Wine bottle corks are too small. I thought about begging Champagne corks from a local posh restaurant, soaking them to restore their tubular shape and carving them to fit. But I’m a danger to myself and those around me when using a scalpel.
Does anyone have any other ideas for making lids to fit shot glasses in a variety of shapes?
So … any ideas? I can’t think of anything other than those plastic lids you get for open tin cans – and they’d be too big and too ugly to use here.
Or any other suggestions for what Clare can do with the many shot glasses?