Posts tagged "wrapper"

How can I reuse or recycle tea bag wrappers?

tea-bag-wrappersWe’ve had an email from Di:

Several brands of tea I buy come in little waxy paper packets with a foil lining. Do you know if this can go straight into the recycling bin?

I think it’ll be a no regarding the recycling bin. Mixed materials – such as paper & plastic, plastic & metal, and paper & foil – tend to be a bit of a nightmare when it comes to recycling — and waxed paper can also be problematic to recycle as well (apparently it can be recycled alongside tetrapak but not regular paper).

It might be worth contacting the manufacturers to see if they have any suggestions or have any method of recycling their offcuts – if they do, they might be able to take back packaging and recycle it at the same time.

Any suggestions for reuses?

How can I reuse or recycle … shiny chocolate wrappers?

chocolate_wrapping250.jpgAt this time of year, a lot people end up eating more than their of own body weight in individually wrapped chocolates and as pleasurable as it is to undo all those little tiny chocolately presents, it’s a whole lot of packaging going to waste too.

Around here (and at my mum and dad’s house), said wrappers instantly become cat toys but ones that are only interesting until the point the cat actually catches them (fickle cats that they are).

So what else can we do with them once the cats are bored? I’m thinking particularly those ones that fold out to be squares of transparent plastic or foil because they seem to be the most obviously reusable but any suggestions are welcome, of course.

(Photo by Gastonmag – insert your own “But Ambassador…” joke here)