How can I reuse or recycle pineapple leaves and skin?

pineappleWe’ve had an email from Mina:

I love pineapples but I feel so guilty eating them! Not only about all the food miles involved but there is so much waste with all the leaves and the skin! Help me feel less guilty by letting me know what I can do with them!

Apparently you can re-plant the crown and make it grow new pineapples but it’s a difficult and slow process (two to three years or so) – it’s easier to keep it just as a fun house plant.

But if you’re eating a lot of pineapples, that’s not a scalable solution – so any other ideas?

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15 Responses to “How can I reuse or recycle pineapple leaves and skin?”

  1. Nicole says:

    Sounds like you could try to make them into paper if you had a mind to do that:

  2. Agata says:

    Chop,dry and make a tea

  3. Lucy Danger says:

    I believe you can actually brew a tasty cider with the skin, simply refridgerate the skin in a large bowl of water in your fridge with some sugar and cover with a damp cloth. Delia strikes again!

  4. sami says:

    you could buy canned from a company with eco-friendly policies…

  5. wendy says:

    i read from newspaper:
    during summer time (day time), leave the skin in a car, close the windows, and leave it for about one day. it will make the car smell good.

  6. You can make fruit enzyme using the same fermentation method and formula as the cider recipe. But don’t drink this enzyme — use it as an eco-friendly ‘liquid plumber’ to unclog sinks and toilets with, and for general house-cleaning. It may take longer to ferment due to the hard leaves and skin, though.

  7. Marie anne Rulla says:

    You can try making hand made paper or tea with the peeling or leaves. :)

  8. sunny says:

    You can boil the leaves and drink as tea.
    Old people in the Philippines drink this when they are feeling weak, tired and lethargic and the tea will give you strength.

  9. Karmae says:

    The skins can be just put into a jug of water (no sugar) and left overnight.This makes for a very refreshing addition to the water. Ths works well with lots of things – I like cucumber in particular!

    These waters make GREAT vodka mixers.

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  11. nancy says:

    i would like to turn them into planters have any ideas.

  12. Gloria says:

    You can make Tepache, a traditional mexican beverage that is made from pinapple skin and brown sugar. Fresh and really cold is delicious.

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