How can I reuse or recycle … cotton bobbins?
Many moons ago, I met the man who had the idea to make cotton bobbins out of plastic rather than wood (since the latter had friction problems apparently). He was quite a wealthy guy by the time I met him so I guess he made some money from the brainwave. But, of course, at what cost? After all, plastic: boo.
I don’t sew as much as I used to so it’s less of a problem but every now and then, I finish a reel of cotton and think back to that guy and his money and resent just throwing the bobbin in the bin.
Any suggestions for re-uses?
(Photo by Morrhigan)
Hi you can recycle the plastic from the bobbins and this plastic can in turn be used to make plastic pencils, rulers and pens which are all evryday items that people use. I work in a shop that sells these items and the kids love them
Put a few small seeds or beans in the hole and tape or glue up the ends: instant cat toy.
cotton reels plus a long shoe/trainer lace can be used as a small childs threading toy
if you do manage to find a wooden one.hammer 4 small nails into the top and have a go at french knitting.severals web sites giving instuctions
Put on the ends of garden canes/ sticks to prevent injuries
Tape or cover one end and use the sections to hold needles or pins.
Thread them lengthways and use them as a screen to prevent flies getting thru etc to your room. Stick them together in a block for a yoga block? Nigello
Set your hair with them!!! I need some for my college course, so if anyone wants to send me some empty cotton reels pls contact me….